மனோமயா புத்தர் அறக்கட்டளை​

Manomaya Buddha Foundation​

"Our mission is to help the elderly achieve peace through our meditation center, to provide devotees with spiritual knowledge through our library, to teach children wisdom through our education institute, and to improve physical wellness for youth through our indoor and outdoor playgrounds. We invite you to visit the Buddha Temple, participate in our various programs, and experience the peace and fulfilment that come from nurturing all aspects of life." ​

Founded in 2023​ - இது 2023 ஆம் ஆண்டில் நிறுவப்பட்டது.​

Our GOALS - இலக்கு

The Manomaya Buddha Foundation is committed to ensuring individuals of all ages in the Paganeri region have access to quality education and holistic development opportunities. ​


Education​ - கல்வி​ ​ ​

Goal: To empower underprivileged children through education, healthcare & holistic development.​

இலக்கு ​
குழந்தைகள் சிறந்து விளங்குவதற்கும், அவர்களின் முழுத்திறனை அடைவதற்கும் முழு ஆதரவு வழங்கப்படும்.​ ​


Recreation​ - பொழுதுபோக்கு

Goal: ​ Keep youth active and promote a sense of community and camaraderie​

இளைஞர்களை சுறுசுறுப்பாக வைத்து சமூக உணர்வு மற்றும் நட்புறவு பேண ஊக்குவிக்கப்படும்.


Spiritual - ​ ஆன்மீகம்​

Goal: ​ To cater for the mental and emotional well-being of the elderly population​

வயதானவர்களுக்கு மனரீதியாக முழு ஆதரவு​

a few words about

A sanctuary for Indian Buddhists to come together

Manikandan Chockalingam's construction of the Dhamma Practice Center in Sivagangai Dist., Tamilnadu, India is truly a testament to his unwavering dedication to the teachings of Buddhism. The center, situated in New Town Pagaeri, serves as a sanctuary for Indian Buddhists to come together, engage in spiritual practice, and deepen their understanding of the Buddha's teachings.

Peace, harmony, and enlightenment

The meticulous attention to detail evident in the construction of the center reflects Manikandan's profound commitment to creating a space that embodies the principles of peace, harmony, and enlightenment. The Octagonal Hermitage, housing a Buddha Image carved with white jade from Jaipur, stands as a symbol of the center's reverence for the Buddhist tradition and its dedication to upholding its values.

Made with hard work and love

The establishment of the Dhamma Practice Center is a true labor of love, made possible through the hard work and sacrifice of Manikandan and his family. Their commitment to promoting the teachings of Buddhism and fostering a sense of community among practitioners is truly commendable.

Source of inspiration

In conclusion, Manikandan Chockalingam's construction of the Dhamma Practice Center is a shining example of devotion to the Buddhist faith and a source of inspiration for all who seek enlightenment and inner peace.​

” Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo”​ Palms together​

“Now, this Triple World is entirely my domain, and all the living beings within it are my children. Yet, in this place, there are numerous hardships, and I alone am able to deliver salvation.”​

– Lotus Sutra, Chapter 3: Similes and Parables​

The meaning is as follows: “This world is entirely the domain of Buddha. Everyone within it, regardless of different religions or ethnicities, are all my children. ​

This is the promise of Buddha’s salvation. Now, ancient South India was once a place where Buddhism flourished greatly. In ancient times, Bodhisattva Nagarjuna came from this region, particularly spreading Mahayana Buddhism, making it a center from which Mahayana Buddhism was transmitted and propagated worldwide. However, it has been a long time since Buddhism seemed to have disappeared from this area. Recently, in a place not far from the ancient royal city of Madurai, in a place called Paganeri, an unexpected and magnificent Great Buddha Temple was constructed. This temple was built with great personal expense and astonishing spiritual strength by Mr. Chokkalinagam Manikandan , a native of Paganeri. The statue of Buddha was brought from Jaipur India its roof adorned with gold plates. Additionally, the Gohonzon of Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, a mandala for world peace donated by Japanese Buddhist monks, is enshrined there. On the top of temple roof, a crystal donated by Buddhists is enshrined, spreading the spiritual waves of Buddha’s light all around.​

Coincidentally, at the same time, a towering Great Buddha Pagoda has been under construction for many years by Japanese Buddhist monks in the southern city of Sankarankovil. It is scheduled to have its grand dedication ceremony in February next year. These simultaneous constructions of the Buddha Temple and Buddha Pagoda aim to revive the once-flourishing Buddhism in the land of ancient India.​

Furthermore, the Buddha’s crucial teachings of non-violence and compassion will be widely disseminated. Additionally, Buddhism’s teachings of respecting different religions and ethnicities and embracing all living beings will guide our chaotic and devastated modern world towards peace.​

In that sense, the consecration of the new Buddha Meditation Temple is a joyous event marking the creation of a new historical chapter. I offer my heartfelt congratulations.​

Masao Ishitani​
Nipponzan Myohoji (Buddhist Temple), Sankarankovil, Tamilnadu​

Manikandan Chockalingam’s construction of the Dhamma Practice Center in Sivagangai Dist., Tamilnadu, India is truly a testament to his unwavering dedication to the teachings of Buddhism. The center, situated in New Town Pagaeri, serves as a sanctuary for Indian Buddhists to come together, engage in spiritual practice, and deepen their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings.​

The meticulous attention to detail evident in the construction of the center reflects Manikandan’s profound commitment to creating a space that embodies the principles of peace, harmony, and enlightenment. The Octagonal Hermitage, housing a Buddha Image carved with white jade from Jaipur, stands as a symbol of the center’s reverence for the Buddhist tradition and its dedication to upholding its values.​

The establishment of the Dhamma Practice Center is a true labor of love, made possible through the hard work and sacrifice of Manikandan and his family. Their commitment to promoting the teachings of Buddhism and fostering a sense of community among practitioners is truly commendable.​

In conclusion, Manikandan Chockalingam’s construction of the Dhamma Practice Center is a shining example of devotion to the Buddhist faith and a source of inspiration for all who seek enlightenment and inner peace.​

Phra Maha Dechathorn Supachayo (Kanokratnapun) ​- Thailand​

​ As the Buddha once said

"We are formed by our thoughts. We become what we think. Only when our thoughts are pure happiness follow us like a shadow."

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